Imagine, Explore, Create

Imagine, Explore, Create

Friday, 2 October 2015

A Week at City Hall

This September each of our grade 4 classes went to City Hall School for a full week of learning. Students met with experts and city official, walked through historic neighborhoods and looked closely at the idea of legacy. Here are some student reflections, photos and creations from their weeks downtown.

Looking (closely) West along the C-Train line

"My favourite part of Historic City hall building is the word “City Hall” above the balcony on the side. I chose this part of the building because it is fading away and they need to repair it. It is also pretty fascinating and it is hard to find."

"We should preserve Historic City Hall because it hides many secrets and will teach future generations what our past was like and will tell us what life was like back in the 1900’s. My favourite part of Historic City hall building is the balcony because back then all the buildings were pretty small and you would have a nice view."

"We should preserve Historic City Hall because it is special, it has the mayor’s office and stuff and it has a lot of hard craftmanship and work into it. My favourite part of Historic City hall building is the clock tower."

"I chose this part of the building because in the olden days most people could not pay for a pocket watch so they could just look at the big clock and tell what time it is and they could hear the big dong on it when the bell rings when it gets to 12 o’clock."
A meeting with the Mayor

"I learned what Mayor Nenshi was before he was Mayor Nenshi. He was a professor."

 A great place to sit and sketch 
Learning about Calgary's new Cycle Track

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