Imagine, Explore, Create

Imagine, Explore, Create

Friday, 22 May 2015

Career and Technologies Exploration (CTE) at Douglasdale

During the month of May, students participated in Career and Technology Exploration at Douglasdale. Inspired by the work of our colleagues in Jr. High (Career and Technology Foundations) and Sr. High (Career and Technology Studies) teachers and parent volunteers at DDS explored an area of passion with a mixed grade group of students. 
    "Whatever you plan to do in your life, at school, at home or in your future career, CTF will provide you with a valuable set of competencies and experiences that you will be able to transfer to future school, personal and work experiences." (Alberta Education)

They had a chance to expand their knowledge in one of the following CTE areas:
Orienteering, Dance, Food, Kites, Painting Planting Pudding, Garage Band, Gardening, Cosmetology, Robotics, Needlpoint, Art, Pixel Art, Pottery, Minecraft, Construction, & Lego Stop Motion Movies

Students look forward to working with peers of different ages to create and explore through a wide variety of hands-on learning experiences.
In our recent Tell Them From Me survey, some grade four student wrote: 

"I really love CTE because it helps me to know what CTF might be good next year.

"I really like CTE. I think it helps students in many different ways."

Douglasdale CTE supports the development of leadership skills as well as cross-curricular competencies and connects the community and the school to create authentic learning experiences.