Imagine, Explore, Create

Imagine, Explore, Create

Tuesday, 17 March 2015


The hallways and classrooms are full of chatter and excitement as students engage in a variety of hands on tasks this week. As you walk the halls at Student-Led Conferences on Thursday or Friday, be sure to check out the bulletin boards around the building. You will see rigorous, technology-rich inquiry tasks that engage the public, encourage critical thinking, or emphasize social and global responsibility at every turn. The work you will see on the demonstrates that student voice and empowerment are central, and thinking, learning and assessment are visible at DDS. If you have not yet booked your spot for Student-Led Conferences, there are still spaces available and we would love to see you!

Thursday, 12 March 2015

   It has been very busy around the school the last couple of weeks! Students have made masks, prepared for Orff the Wall and rollerbladed with Alien Inline!

 They have Skyped with International Pen Pals, the Calgary Stampede, and boat builders in Nova Scotia!

 They have participated in an interactive Family Science Night and learned from Kananaskis in the Classroom!

 They have read with their big grade 9 Wee Reads Buddies from Mountain Park School!They have continued to keep our school green by composting paper towels. Kindergarten reminded us that they are 100(+) days smarter and the grade ones have welcomed a new furry visitor to their classroom. 

Next week we will get to share all of this exciting learning with our parents when we have Student-Led Conferences. See you then!

Hello DDS families,

No matter where you visit in Douglasdale school there is an undeniable and palpable energy that permeates the space. In this blog we will try to capture some of that energy in words and images so that our learning can be shared and celebrated with our wider DDS family and community. Please check back often! To view the original "What's Up Douglasdale?" blog, visit

Mr. Wilson and Mrs. George 

* Individual classes will continue to use their D2L pages.